A DLG (digital line graph) in the form of a hydrographic map. DLG is digital vector data. Data about map features are stored as lines (arcs), points, and areas (polygons). The lines in this map representing depth in meters of Lake Mendota.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
DRG (Digital Rastor Graphic) is a scanned and georectified USGS topoquad. This graphic makes it possible to find geographic coordinates for a particular location. This map shows a DRG of Bobby Bay, Florida and surrounding areas.
DRG (Digital Rastor Graphic) is a scanned and georectified USGS topoquad. This graphic makes it possible to find geographic coordinates for a particular location. This map shows a DRG of Bobby Bay, Florida and surrounding areas.
Correlation Matrix
Correlation matrices are often used in social research to show significance between variables. This correlation matrix is showing variables in the determination of a measure of digital poverty. Due to the fact that the same variables are across both axes, the boxes in the upper right portion are left blank because they only mirror the bottom half of the chart and the "1" in the boxes on the diagonal are so due to the variables being perfectly correlated to themselves.
Correlation matrices are often used in social research to show significance between variables. This correlation matrix is showing variables in the determination of a measure of digital poverty. Due to the fact that the same variables are across both axes, the boxes in the upper right portion are left blank because they only mirror the bottom half of the chart and the "1" in the boxes on the diagonal are so due to the variables being perfectly correlated to themselves.
Isopleth maps like this one showing the sensitivity to PH levels in acid rain show levels of equal distribution of a variable across an area. Isopleths generally connect geographical or meteorological phenomena but can be used for other phenomena as well.
Isopleth maps like this one showing the sensitivity to PH levels in acid rain show levels of equal distribution of a variable across an area. Isopleths generally connect geographical or meteorological phenomena but can be used for other phenomena as well.
Similarity Matrix
Here's a similarity matrix displaying height and weight and their correlation to what would be considered normal weight, overweight, and grades of obesity by use of Body Mass Index. We can see if we fall along a line of similarity with a current height and weight we fit into one of these categories.
Here's a similarity matrix displaying height and weight and their correlation to what would be considered normal weight, overweight, and grades of obesity by use of Body Mass Index. We can see if we fall along a line of similarity with a current height and weight we fit into one of these categories.
This map shows the thickness of Cambrian rocks, mainly limestone and shale in North America using isopachs to display the levels of density. Isopachs connect points of equal thickness in different kinds of rock and sediment formations.
This map shows the thickness of Cambrian rocks, mainly limestone and shale in North America using isopachs to display the levels of density. Isopachs connect points of equal thickness in different kinds of rock and sediment formations.
Stem and Leaf Plot
Stem and leaf plots such as this are useful in finding the median score or statistic of information like the median score for a science test. The stem column represents variables of 10 while the leaf gives us the numbers in between. Stem and leaf plots are used to organize numerical data in order of place value.
Stem and leaf plots such as this are useful in finding the median score or statistic of information like the median score for a science test. The stem column represents variables of 10 while the leaf gives us the numbers in between. Stem and leaf plots are used to organize numerical data in order of place value.
Isohyets like this are maps of that connect precipitation levels over an area. From this we can pretty accurately guess where we would prefer to grow crops in the China and Japan.
Isohyets like this are maps of that connect precipitation levels over an area. From this we can pretty accurately guess where we would prefer to grow crops in the China and Japan.
Box Plot
This box plot displays the results of a survey of 20 year olds in China, Germany and America, in which people were asked the number of foreign countries they had visited in their lifetime. Box plots such as this show maximum, minimum and median variances.
Isotach's are lines connecting wind speeds. This map of the south east shows some isotachs running across Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. The term for these lines always reminds me of "taching" in a sailboat and these forecasts can be very useful before attempting to sail.
Isotach's are lines connecting wind speeds. This map of the south east shows some isotachs running across Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. The term for these lines always reminds me of "taching" in a sailboat and these forecasts can be very useful before attempting to sail.
Histograms are great in displaying growth and decline of a variable over time. This histogram depicts American immigration over the years 1820-2005, although some of these figures may not be completely accurate.
Histograms are great in displaying growth and decline of a variable over time. This histogram depicts American immigration over the years 1820-2005, although some of these figures may not be completely accurate.
Watching the weather report usually includes the use of isobars, but not necessarily an explanation of their importance in connecting lines of air pressure. We can see for instance in this map from the weather channel the lines encompassing the "L" for low pressure and "H" for high pressure systems and where these systems meet. Also note the green of storms following to the west of the low pressure system.
Watching the weather report usually includes the use of isobars, but not necessarily an explanation of their importance in connecting lines of air pressure. We can see for instance in this map from the weather channel the lines encompassing the "L" for low pressure and "H" for high pressure systems and where these systems meet. Also note the green of storms following to the west of the low pressure system.
Parallel Coordinate Graph
Parallel Coordinate Graphs such as this one showing the reaction of cement in a kiln at different temperatures are useful in comparing and finding similarities between a large number of variables. The darker areas show where stronger correlations occur.
Parallel Coordinate Graphs such as this one showing the reaction of cement in a kiln at different temperatures are useful in comparing and finding similarities between a large number of variables. The darker areas show where stronger correlations occur.
With the growth of the rainforest covering up the ruins of this massive Mayan city in Belize, it would have been impossible to visualize what it may have looked like at the time of it's use without the use of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) that was able to bounce lasers off the ground and digitally clear the plant growth to reveal the city below.
Trianglular Plot
This triangular plot shows Cosmo Pharmaceuticals options that they provide for different levels of severeness of colon diseases. As we can see, if it comes down to surgery, they have nothing for you. Triangular plots are useful in showing correlation of, usually, three variables in fairly easily digestible visualization.
This triangular plot shows Cosmo Pharmaceuticals options that they provide for different levels of severeness of colon diseases. As we can see, if it comes down to surgery, they have nothing for you. Triangular plots are useful in showing correlation of, usually, three variables in fairly easily digestible visualization.
Doppler Radar
Fortunately for those of us in Tallahassee we have a Doppler station locally, unless some particularly bad weather is directly over the station, in which case the microwave radiation would shoot underneath it. Doppler radar bounces microwave radiation off the atmosphere and the clouds within showing precipitation type, intensity and movement. This is a Doppler radar picture from Tropical Storm Alberto in 2006. It rained very hard. As we can see in the area within the green border signifies a flash flood area. Doppler, among other things, is able to tell precipitation levels.
Fortunately for those of us in Tallahassee we have a Doppler station locally, unless some particularly bad weather is directly over the station, in which case the microwave radiation would shoot underneath it. Doppler radar bounces microwave radiation off the atmosphere and the clouds within showing precipitation type, intensity and movement. This is a Doppler radar picture from Tropical Storm Alberto in 2006. It rained very hard. As we can see in the area within the green border signifies a flash flood area. Doppler, among other things, is able to tell precipitation levels.
The Wind rose is a much more accurate way of telling which way the wind will most likely blow. It graphs the frequency of direction that the wind blows over a period of time. As we can see by this wind rose from Louisville, there's a much better chance of flying your kite to the north or south than east or west.
The Wind rose is a much more accurate way of telling which way the wind will most likely blow. It graphs the frequency of direction that the wind blows over a period of time. As we can see by this wind rose from Louisville, there's a much better chance of flying your kite to the north or south than east or west.
Black and White Aerial Photo
Black and white aerial photos such as this could be taken from a plane, helicopter or balloon. Many suburbs of central and southern Florida were once part of the wetlands of the Florida Everglades. Though uses of canals such as this and various other methods, developers were able to drain much of the swamp land to make way for new subdivisions, golf courses, and outlet malls. Once most of the Everglades was retired in Florida, the snowbirds followed.
Black and white aerial photos such as this could be taken from a plane, helicopter or balloon. Many suburbs of central and southern Florida were once part of the wetlands of the Florida Everglades. Though uses of canals such as this and various other methods, developers were able to drain much of the swamp land to make way for new subdivisions, golf courses, and outlet malls. Once most of the Everglades was retired in Florida, the snowbirds followed.
A climograph of Atlanta, Georgia that shows the correlation between temperature and precipitation for each month over the course of a year. These may be used as predictions as well as a measure of comparison to trends over the years. We see that in this graph, the trend appears to be that increase in temperature leads to a decrease in precipitation.
A climograph of Atlanta, Georgia that shows the correlation between temperature and precipitation for each month over the course of a year. These may be used as predictions as well as a measure of comparison to trends over the years. We see that in this graph, the trend appears to be that increase in temperature leads to a decrease in precipitation.
Infrared Aerial Photo
Infrared aerial photograph of a forest in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. We see that vegetation glows red in the use of the infrared photo paper. These pictures may be useful in determining different types vegetation that are growing in certain areas of the forest.
Infrared aerial photograph of a forest in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. We see that vegetation glows red in the use of the infrared photo paper. These pictures may be useful in determining different types vegetation that are growing in certain areas of the forest.
Population Profile
These are a few population profiles for the year 2000 and projections of what the same countries population by age may be by the year 2050. We can see China and India are going to be aging significantly and, while China has implemented programs to slow population growth, India appears less likely to drop below a replacement level (rate of 2.1) in the next 40 years.
These are a few population profiles for the year 2000 and projections of what the same countries population by age may be by the year 2050. We can see China and India are going to be aging significantly and, while China has implemented programs to slow population growth, India appears less likely to drop below a replacement level (rate of 2.1) in the next 40 years.
Cartographic Animation
Cartographic animations like this one showing the evolution of empires to the modern independence of countries are useful in visualizing the differences in variables and cartographic information over time. Animations can show phenomena not readily visible in the real world. It is pretty amazing than groups of people were able to rule over such significant portions of the world at one time with such limited communication available. Maybe the internet could build the next empire.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Scatter Plot
Scatter plots are useful in showing survey information like in this survey on the importance of religion and it's importance to marriage and life in general. We can see how people from different countries view religion's importance as represented by the dots and then a trend line depicting little to great importance.
Scatter plots are useful in showing survey information like in this survey on the importance of religion and it's importance to marriage and life in general. We can see how people from different countries view religion's importance as represented by the dots and then a trend line depicting little to great importance.
Statistical Map
This statistical map shows soil degradation in Vietnam by using 3D presentations of significance. By visualizing these statistics, using both color and height differences, we can clearly see the areas most effected in relation to the rest of the country.
This statistical map shows soil degradation in Vietnam by using 3D presentations of significance. By visualizing these statistics, using both color and height differences, we can clearly see the areas most effected in relation to the rest of the country.
Index Value Plot
Index value plots such as this one showing the change of value in gold stock between years 2001 to 2002 are useful tools in that all variables begin at a value of 100 and from the beginning we see a clear difference in performance (in this case) over the course of the time frame.
Index value plots such as this one showing the change of value in gold stock between years 2001 to 2002 are useful tools in that all variables begin at a value of 100 and from the beginning we see a clear difference in performance (in this case) over the course of the time frame.
Cartograms are a very useful tool of perspective. This projection manipulates the size of an area to display the significance of a variable. In this case, countries bulge and shrink accordingly to the population of the areas within them. This speaks volumes when we look at shriveled masses of the Americas in comparison to those of Asia.
Cartograms are a very useful tool of perspective. This projection manipulates the size of an area to display the significance of a variable. In this case, countries bulge and shrink accordingly to the population of the areas within them. This speaks volumes when we look at shriveled masses of the Americas in comparison to those of Asia.
Lorenz Curve
Lorenz curves are useful in showing the differences between an ideal and the reality of a situation such as this South African statistic of the inequalities between the percentage of income to the percentage of households in the country.
Lorenz curves are useful in showing the differences between an ideal and the reality of a situation such as this South African statistic of the inequalities between the percentage of income to the percentage of households in the country.
Flow Map
Flow maps are used to show direction and quantity a variable's movement from one area to another. This map depicts the Great Migration from England to the "New World" and the level of migration to popular destinations. This map shows the significance of migration to the West Indies that many of us in North America do not really consider when studying English immigration to the Western world.
Flow maps are used to show direction and quantity a variable's movement from one area to another. This map depicts the Great Migration from England to the "New World" and the level of migration to popular destinations. This map shows the significance of migration to the West Indies that many of us in North America do not really consider when studying English immigration to the Western world.
Bilateral Graph
This bilateral graph displays the difference between the annual population change (growth) and the new houses built in the United Kingdom (decline). Bilateral graphs like this are used to show the rise and decline of two variables in opposite trends.
This bilateral graph displays the difference between the annual population change (growth) and the new houses built in the United Kingdom (decline). Bilateral graphs like this are used to show the rise and decline of two variables in opposite trends.
Isoline Map
Isoline map of Tenerifé, one of the Canary Islands off the West coast of Africa, actually a territory of Spain. This map shows the height using isolines up to the islands volcano peak. Isolines are descriptive in showing interval levels of elevation. Fun fact: parts of the original Planet of the Apes were filmed here.
Isoline map of Tenerifé, one of the Canary Islands off the West coast of Africa, actually a territory of Spain. This map shows the height using isolines up to the islands volcano peak. Isolines are descriptive in showing interval levels of elevation. Fun fact: parts of the original Planet of the Apes were filmed here.
Nominal Area Choropleth Map
This map depicts a nominal area choropleth map, showing the best 5 states for animals and best 5 states for animal abusers it is simply naming two groups and using the shading of the areas or states that they are most significantly located in. Note that there are no detailed statistical numbers used.
This map depicts a nominal area choropleth map, showing the best 5 states for animals and best 5 states for animal abusers it is simply naming two groups and using the shading of the areas or states that they are most significantly located in. Note that there are no detailed statistical numbers used.
Proportional Circle Map
Here is a proportional circle map of the expected range and reach of the Soviet's nuclear missiles based in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Proportional circle maps like this show the actual effected are using circles as a visual aid to emphasize and depict the variables effect.
Here is a proportional circle map of the expected range and reach of the Soviet's nuclear missiles based in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Proportional circle maps like this show the actual effected are using circles as a visual aid to emphasize and depict the variables effect.
Standardized Choropleth Map
Standardized choropleth maps, like this one showing the age-standardized death rate for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are very useful due to the equal distribution over the population to show the variables significance across the country without skewing the results due to inequality of population density in certain states. Shading is then used to show prevalence of the variable across the state holding dependent variables more constant.
Standardized choropleth maps, like this one showing the age-standardized death rate for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are very useful due to the equal distribution over the population to show the variables significance across the country without skewing the results due to inequality of population density in certain states. Shading is then used to show prevalence of the variable across the state holding dependent variables more constant.
Dot Distribution Map
Can you hear me now? Ok.
The East coast should have no problems with cell phone reception according to this dot map showing the distribution of commercial wireless antennas across the country. Dot maps are simple in that every dot is a representation of a single unit of a variable or, at times, several units and helps visualize concentration of said variable over an area, in this case cell phone towers across the US.
Can you hear me now? Ok.
The East coast should have no problems with cell phone reception according to this dot map showing the distribution of commercial wireless antennas across the country. Dot maps are simple in that every dot is a representation of a single unit of a variable or, at times, several units and helps visualize concentration of said variable over an area, in this case cell phone towers across the US.
Univariate Choropleth Map
A univariate choropleth map depicts the significance of a singular variable though the shading of different areas, in this case being January state unemployment rates throughout the country.
A univariate choropleth map depicts the significance of a singular variable though the shading of different areas, in this case being January state unemployment rates throughout the country.
Propaganda Map
There seems to be no shortage of propaganda maps during war times. They became especially prominent during WWII and have perpetuated to present day to be a major source of evoking pride and/or fear. This map is a display of a "what if" scenario in attempt to justify the US participation in WWII by showing the most likely route of a Nazi invasion of America.
There seems to be no shortage of propaganda maps during war times. They became especially prominent during WWII and have perpetuated to present day to be a major source of evoking pride and/or fear. This map is a display of a "what if" scenario in attempt to justify the US participation in WWII by showing the most likely route of a Nazi invasion of America.
Hypsometric Map
Here is a hypsometric map of Africa. As we can see, hypsometric maps like this show elevation relief in the from of different colors and shading. The separation of contour lines is shown by distinct differences in coloration. My favorite globes were always hypsometric, although I did not know that name for them.
Here is a hypsometric map of Africa. As we can see, hypsometric maps like this show elevation relief in the from of different colors and shading. The separation of contour lines is shown by distinct differences in coloration. My favorite globes were always hypsometric, although I did not know that name for them.
Unclassed Choropleth Map
Unclassed choropleth maps like this are not ideal for cartographers or statisticians due to the uncertainty of the division of intervals. Too many intervals in maps like this can cause confusion and skew significance.
Unclassed choropleth maps like this are not ideal for cartographers or statisticians due to the uncertainty of the division of intervals. Too many intervals in maps like this can cause confusion and skew significance.
The Public Land Surveying System is much like a cadastral map in that it is used to legally define land parcels. It does so by separating them into townships and sections and often using a grid system based on a meridian like the one's displayed in this map. This system of surveying was utilized later in the US' history which would explain why many of the original colonial states are not included as well as Texas as it was Mexican territory before the Mexican American War.
The Public Land Surveying System is much like a cadastral map in that it is used to legally define land parcels. It does so by separating them into townships and sections and often using a grid system based on a meridian like the one's displayed in this map. This system of surveying was utilized later in the US' history which would explain why many of the original colonial states are not included as well as Texas as it was Mexican territory before the Mexican American War.
Classed Choropleth Map
Classed choropleth maps are unique in that aerial units that are broken down into counties and the classification through intervals of significance. The number of intervals is a subjective process. The creator of this map used 5 intervals in equal steps between 0 and over 40 suicides per 100,000 of the living population in the areas shaded.
Classed choropleth maps are unique in that aerial units that are broken down into counties and the classification through intervals of significance. The number of intervals is a subjective process. The creator of this map used 5 intervals in equal steps between 0 and over 40 suicides per 100,000 of the living population in the areas shaded.

Choropleth maps, like the one above showing the frequency of obesity by state, use shading of areas to display different concentrations of a certain variable. We can form opinions of how and why there are variations between regions in the US for obesity and what the culture and eating habits of these places may be.
Cadastral Map
This cadastral map is historically significant due to the dispute that it caused over a boundary line between Ohio and Michigan. Cadastral maps are used for legally recording property ownership and drawing borders for properties. It is not only a representation of a cadastral map, but also how map inaccuracies or inconsistencies may lead to conflict over land ownership.
This cadastral map is historically significant due to the dispute that it caused over a boundary line between Ohio and Michigan. Cadastral maps are used for legally recording property ownership and drawing borders for properties. It is not only a representation of a cadastral map, but also how map inaccuracies or inconsistencies may lead to conflict over land ownership.
Thematic Map
Thematic maps display a certain theme and said theme's distribution across an area. This map displays the theme of vegetation zones across Russia and depicts the locations where certain vegetation types are most prevalent. Thematic maps may just as easily display themes doing with social, economic, or political commonalities, just as a few examples.
Thematic maps display a certain theme and said theme's distribution across an area. This map displays the theme of vegetation zones across Russia and depicts the locations where certain vegetation types are most prevalent. Thematic maps may just as easily display themes doing with social, economic, or political commonalities, just as a few examples.
Continuously variable proportional circle map
Continuously variable proportional circle maps like this one indicating the strength and recent activity of seismic activity around the world depicts information using the size of the circles to show significance of an event or statistic. These graphs are useful in displaying not only the significance of the variable but also relation to relative location.
Continuously variable proportional circle maps like this one indicating the strength and recent activity of seismic activity around the world depicts information using the size of the circles to show significance of an event or statistic. These graphs are useful in displaying not only the significance of the variable but also relation to relative location.
This DOQQ (Digital Orthoquarter Quads) image of Battleship Texas shows how different photographic paper is used to create a false infrared to bring out the characteristics of certain objects or surface features. Notice how the vegetative (red) areas, as well as the actually ship, are more pronounced in the image.
This DOQQ (Digital Orthoquarter Quads) image of Battleship Texas shows how different photographic paper is used to create a false infrared to bring out the characteristics of certain objects or surface features. Notice how the vegetative (red) areas, as well as the actually ship, are more pronounced in the image.
Planimetric Map
This is a planimetric map of Scott County, Minnesota. Planimetric maps, such as this one, do not show elevation but show more the layout of horizontal features and layouts such as buildings, roads, and forest areas.
This is a planimetric map of Scott County, Minnesota. Planimetric maps, such as this one, do not show elevation but show more the layout of horizontal features and layouts such as buildings, roads, and forest areas.
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) Maps like this one show reliefs in the way of shading that shows differences in elevation across the surface. This map is a topographical DEM map of the surface of mars and shows the heights and depths of the surface.
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) Maps like this one show reliefs in the way of shading that shows differences in elevation across the surface. This map is a topographical DEM map of the surface of mars and shows the heights and depths of the surface.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mental Maps
Mental maps are based upon a person's perception of their surroundings and the correlation between locations that they have formed. We tend to make these kinds map often, for instance, anytime a you give make a map for directions to your house for somebody.
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